Iconic Protein

What We Did

Out Of Stock Management
Display Execution
VOID Filling
Cooler Placement
Price Audits
Data Collection & Reporting

Iconic is a line of sugar-free protein beverages made from grass-fed whey protein

The Challenge

Iconic was on a roll. As they landed retailers in new states across the country, they wanted to quickly tap into a proven team of sales representatives that could fill voids, increase cooler placements and land displays.

The Solution

Basemakers went to work. We landed thousands of new coolers and display cases for Iconic, helping the management team to focus on growing and running a profitable business.


New Coolers


Add SKUs to Coolers


Cases for Displays Secured

We’re in over 7,000 retail stores and one of the big challenges is how to scale merchandising & visibility in all these stores. When we found Basemakers, we found a service that could get displays & coolers across the country.

Billy Bosch, Founder & CVO - Iconic

Let’s Talk!

Phone: 512-364-0701

Email: [email protected]

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